Friday, April 30, 2010

Lucy's New Hat

We went to a luau today so Lucy needed her new sun hat. Isn't she cute?!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Week with the Andersons

At the tail-end of Ryan's spring break we went to Longview, WA to visit Kelsey's family. Even Katie the dog made the pic below.

A picture of the four generations.

Uncle Ryan and baby Lucy

Inseperable the whole week was Uncle Ry and little Lucy

Weekend with Great-Grandma Marje and Grandma Shelley

In mid-April Ryan's mom and grandmother visited us. During their time in Philly they saw plenty of Lucy smiles - she especially liked all of the attention!

Lucy in her Bumbo

Lucy is turning out to be a very independent little lady, so getting her a bumbo infant chair has been a great purchase. She sits upright all by herself!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Family photos

Here are some cute ones of the three of us - enjoy!

Changing time fun

For some reason Lucy really enjoys being on her changing table - that is when she smiles and "talks" the most.