Saturday, October 30, 2010

Late Summer 2010

Here are some pics from our last few weeks in NYC - we were on the move! Wedding in CO, wedding in the Big Dallas, move back to Philly, then visit to Ryan's folks' in Houston.

Labor Day weekend in Houston - family pic!

Lucy and Grandma smelling the flowers.

Ryan loved playing ball with Emma. Who looks more into that ball? I don't know either, it's hard to tell, haha.

Lucy loved swimming, as you can see, so did Mommy!

Just getting our feet wet and Emma in the background coolin off.

Back in NYC - just a few days left before moving back to Philly.

Here's our cutie, miss Lucy Goose!

Daddy and Lucy post-Palsson wedding.

Mommy and Lucy in Dallas post-Palsson wedding.

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